Sydney Dry Gin 200ml
This is a 200ml version mini bottle of our Sydney Dry Gin ! You can either buy it individually or in one of our gin gift packs
Sydney Dry Gin is a bright, crisp refreshing gin with a backbone of Juniper along side floral and citrus notes of ruby red grapefruit and a uber smooth finish.
It is comprised of 10 botanicals: Juniper, Coriander, Cardamon, Angelica Root, Chamomile, Strawberry Gum, Liquorice Root, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Orange and a local Lilyfield Pepper Tree.
41 % ABV
This is one extremely easy drinking & beautifully balanced Australian Gin.
Our recommended serve is as a Classic Gin and Tonic using Fever Tree Mediterranean tonic and a wedge of Ruby Grapefruit or a slice of lime.
The citrus grapefruit really shines in our Sydney Gin and you can complement this further by making it into a Grapefruit Spritz - simply replace the tonic water with Fever Tree Grapefruit Soda. Garnish it with a Lychee for something fancy.
It also makes a mean Negroni ! Check out the Cocktails page for the recipe.
41 % ABV 200ml
All of our craft spirits are distilled by us at our Sydney Gin Distillery ! Visit our about us page to find out more
GOLD 2023 Melbourne International Spirits Awards
GOLD 2023 Tasting Australia Awards
SILVER 2023 Melbourne Royal Australian Distilled Spirits Competition
SILVER 2023 London International Spirits Awards
SILVER 2023 San Francisco International Spirits Awards
SILVER 2023 American Distilling Institute International Spirits Competition
Sydney Gin
Sydney Distillery
Sydney Dry Gin
Australian Craft Spirits
Australian Craft Gin
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